

Whether writing sentences, stories, paragraphs or reports, each has a structure, and understanding that structure helps with writing. At the sentence level I teach multisensory grammar, slowly building up to complex sentences. Then we move into paragraphs, and from there to stories and reports. Understanding the structures of each gives these young writers a framework to hang their ideas on in an organized way.

In addition, understanding the structure helps the student access the information in a text: the fact that there is one main idea, and each paragraph presents one aspect of that main idea.



To be an effective writer one needs to have mastered cursive handwriting or the keyboard. Otherwise the writer is using too much cognitive energy working out the mechanics of writing. Though I teach printing as well as cursive, if given the option I go straight to cursive for a couple of reasons. Cursive is easier in that most of the letters begin and end on the line without having to lift the pencil from the paper. This minimizes reversals of letters.

I also teach keyboarding, especially for students in the upper grades, using a method designed by Diane King for struggling students.